Dappled grey ashlar walling stone, heads, cills, quoins, jambs, mullions and more!

Ashlar can be defined as a type of stone which is finely cut and/or worked, and is characterised by its smooth, even faces and square edges. Ashlar masonry is sawn on six sides, creating a fine finish which is suitable for smaller 5mm joints when walling.
Diamond sawn building products can include sawn walling, window and door sets, heads and cills, quoins and anything else required on a new build. Chamfering is also available should this be required.
We can provide quality, natural ashlar building products made to order using our own unique Branshaw stone. Branshaw yorkstone is dappled, pale grey in colour with hints of buff, resulting in a contemporary look ideal for new-builds, conversions and extensions whilst also complementing reclaimed or traditional stone styles.
The hard wearing characteristics of our fine grained Yorkshire sandstone make it ideal for building projects and will weather naturally over time.
Ashlar Walling Stone is typically supplied at 217mm x random lengths x 100mm.
Standard sizes are 100 or 140mm for other sawn masonry.